I know that this is new,
Something unfamiliar.
But I promise not to scare you—
I won’t hold you too tightly,
Underneath the water.
I won’t wrap your face in seaweed
And make you feel like me.

I promise you can keep your legs,
If you decide you’re getting tired
We can just stay here for a while.
I’ll nurse your head, I’ll stroke your face
I’ll tread for two.

I promise not to scare you,
Because this is something new.
The waters are wide, and they are deep
But they’re not too fast,
For your little feet.


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Hey all! My name is Annika Tague and I’m currently enrolled to study a Bachelor of Journalism teamed with a Bachelor of International Studies starting this year at the University of Wollongong. I’m extremely passionate about plenty of silly things like, “Pulp Fiction”, mermaids and the order in which my books are placed on their shelf. One day, I would love to work for a magazine, newspaper or publishing house doing any possible type of writing or editing- that would have to be the dream, I'd say. Stay tuned for more.

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